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Hiring Message

To all of you who apply

To all of you who apply
Good friends grow into good organizations.
We have gained a track record and trust by proposing products and services that our customers demand and providing them in a form that matches their needs. The achievements and trust that we have cultivated are none other than the gift of the power of each and every employee.
In addition, we are focusing on creating an environment where employees can work comfortably and improve their skills by fully backing up their employees. It is indispensable for the development of the organization that each employee can play an active role and exert his / her full potential.
In an environment where you can play an active part with peace of mind, challenging tasks are waiting. I want you to be our friend. 
Representative Director and President Hiromichi Imagawa

The kind of person we are looking for

● People with “positiveness” who can think and execute on their own

In recent years, Japan has various issues such as shrinking economy and declining international competitiveness. We are seeking those who can not only perform a given job, but also are positive and can think and execute on their own.

● Person who can perform business with "flexibility"

Society is made up of people working together and working together. We are seeking those who can respect and accept the opinions of people with different interpretations of values, directions, facts and things, who are flexible, and who can work in a team.

● People with “extroversion” from a global perspective

We are seeking those who look outside to catch new information and discover new markets and business possibilities and are extroverted with a global perspective.

Recruitment results

Number of hires
2022: 4 people
2020: 3 people 
2019: 6 people 
Number of staff
111 (as of April 2022)
Average students age
44.1 years old (as of 2022/3
Average years of service
16 years and 9 months (as of 2022/3
Paid leave
Average days provided
9 days provided (in 2021)

At work

New employee training
Seminar room
conference room
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